With yet another change to restrictions from 27th January 2022 I have once again updated these guidelines for attending appointments at both of my practices.
I am very mindful of my responsibility to keep my clients, my fellow therapists and myself as safe as possible, both in limiting the risk of transmission and in avoiding any unnecessary need to self-isolate.
I would be grateful if you could read this information before coming to your appointment and agree to abide by the guidance set out. As always, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.
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It is always exciting when something that you have written gets accepted for publication. When this happens I know that my voice, and what I have used it to share, is being spread just that little bit wider.
In this case I was writing about my Reiki Master and Teacher, Chyna Honey's, latest book:
"Using Reiki - Practical essays that bring Reiki into daily practice". This, her second book, is perfect for anyone with a Reiki Attunement who already has Reiki energy in their hands and seeks to understand more.
Chyna's first book,
"Understanding Reiki: From self-care to energy medicine", is also fabulous for Reiki Attunees but is particularly helpful to those who are new to Reiki or considering learning more.
I am passionate about getting good, clear information about Reiki out into the world and both these books do just that, fabulously. Over the years so many other things have got mixed up with the practice of Reiki. This has led to much confusion, some disappointment and has surely led many away from the path of Reiki, where, if the information had been clear, they could have reaped the many benefits that Reiki has to offer for the rest of their lives.
Both of Chyna's books, written in a very accessible style, seek to redress this and I am very happy to add my words as fanfare to their journey into the world.
It is also wonderful to have something to celebrate in what are still rather troubling times!
2021 Dr Karen Janes ©