One more COVID update…

With any luck this may be one of the last COVID-19 updates that I need to do. I do feel a little afraid to say that it really does finally look like we might be getting back to some level of longer term normality but I am feeling more hopeful! Things are certainly looking more positive and although the omicron variant has seemed pretty virulent, fortunately most people, who have been unlucky enough to succumb to it, haven’t been too unwell. Please read on for a summary of my current guidance for coming along to treatments and classes. If you are booked for a class you will receive more specific information prior to coming along.
Self-isolation following a positive test
One of the significant changes to the recent government guidance is that there is no longer a legal requirement to self-isolate if you test positive for COVID-19. Although this is still advised it is no longer mandatory. Please rest assured that if I were to test positive, or have any symptoms, I will continue to follow the self-isolation guidelines. It would be very much appreciated if anyone with an appointment or attending a class could do the same. My usual 24-hour cancellation policy for treatments, and 21-day cancellation policy for class deposits, will not apply if you test positive or have any symptoms.
Wearing masks inside
In discussion with my colleagues in Salisbury and Shaftesbury, (following the relaxation of the guidelines regarding masks and face coverings), I have taken the decision to continue to wear a mask during sessions and to ask all my clients to continue to do so for the time being. I will briefly outline my reasons for this and hope that I can continue to rely on your understanding and support with these measures to help continue to keep everyone as safe as possible and to do all I can to keep my doors open.
- Most healthcare settings are continuing to take the precaution of wearing masks to help keep everyone safe.
- The nature of my work involves being in close proximity to people for an extended period of time. In Salisbury, in particular, this is in a small space with limited ventilation. Even in Shaftesbury the weather is such that it isn’t yet really practical to keep windows open.
- I have a significant number of clients who, for various reasons, are considered to be clinically vulnerable. I feel it is my responsibility to do all I can to minimise the risk for them when they come in, both from the environment or directly from me or anyone else in the building.
- I am aware that there are a number of people who are still feeling quite worried about the potential risks presented by the virus. I hope that these measures will serve to offer some reassurance that my colleagues and I are doing all we can to keep everyone as safe as possible.
- I work by myself on a self-employed basis. If I am unable to work there is no one who is able to cover my appointments. This means that I have to remain closed and unable to offer my usual level of support to those in need. I’m sure you will appreciate that any unplanned time off can have quite an impact on my business and the bills don’t stop when I am not working!
And finally, for additional reassurance, please rest assured that I will be continuing with the extra hygiene and cleaning measures that I have been adhering to since returning to work following the first lockdown in April 2020. I will also be continuing to have a slightly longer gap between clients to enable me to do this cleaning and to minimise traffic in the buildings.
Lateral Flow Tests
You may have noticed, in any appointment reminder emails that you have received recently, that I have been requesting that people do an LFT before coming in if possible. LFTs will no longer be available for free for the majority of people from 1st April. Whilst it is appreciated if you are able to do this I understand it may not always be possible.
And thank you
I don’t want to miss this opportunity to say how very much I have appreciated your ongoing support and understanding with these measures, as well as the trust and faith you have shown by coming along to so many treatments and classes when we have been able to. I will continue to keep my health and safety practices under review as we navigate what is hopefully the home straight of what has been quite a challenging time.
As always, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or if I can be of help in any way. Take good care of yourself.
©Dr Karen Janes, February 2022