Celebrating the Winter Solstice with Meditation and Sound in the Firelight - Friday 20th December
Last year, in a little village hall in Wiltshire, twelve of us gathered beside a roaring fire on the darkest night of the year to celebrate the turning of the seasonal wheel. There was warmth, community and meditation held to the backdrop of some wonderful music that transported us to another place. With Andy’s wonderful sounds, my spoken meditation and the presence of everyone who came, we created a magical space. For a short and precious time, we stepped out of the rush to rest and together we created an energy that felt so wonderful that none of us wanted to leave!
It was such an amazing evening that we were certain we wanted to hold it again where this year the meditation and music will be taking you on a trip to the sacred oak grove.
We very much hope you can join us. You can book here or read on to find out more information about the event and where our journey will take us.
A stressful time of year…
This time of year can be such a hectic and stressful period of rushing and overstimulation. Our culture is not good at ‘wintering’. You will almost certainly have, at some point, felt the pressure to keep pushing on and to be as busy and productive as you are at any other time of the year. We are so often out of sync with the rhythm of the seasons and the natural world around us.
The two solstices and two equinoxes, throughout the year, are all wonderful opportunities to connect more with the seasonal energies and to attune yourself with what nature, of which it is easy to forget you are part of, is up to. The winter solstice, specifically, is a time to slow, to pause, to reflect and to nurture.
If you can take a moment right now to pause… Maybe close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths down into your belly. Check in with your body and see how it is feeling. Is it tired or aching, do you feel weary and tense? Bring your attention to your mind… Are your thoughts racing and chaotic? Do you feel overwrought and stretched thin? Do you feel emotional and over-sensitised, like your fuse is short and your patience thin?
If you recognise any of these feelings within yourself it is a communication to take some time to withdraw from the bright lights and fast pace of life, to travel within and integrate all that the year has brought you. Your body will love you for giving it extra rest, your mind will benefit from some quiet and your soul will appreciate stillness and connection.
Finding a remedy…
There are lots of things that we can do to support ourselves but I know that the demands of life can sometimes make this feel impossible and even add to the sense of overwhelm itself. Something very simple such as standing in your doorway, taking a few slow deep breaths and listening to the sounds you can hear as you rest your gaze can help you to reset a little.
But, knowing how hard it can be to create any space for yourself, especially around the Christmas and New Year period, is a lot of why we really wanted to hold another event this year. The wonderful folk who joined us last December told us that it really was just what they needed to soothe frazzled nervous systems, to find some stillness and to recharge depleted batteries. After the music and meditation people sat for much longer than we had expected, just to be in the energy we had created and to connect with each other.
The symbolism of the year
This year our guided meditation will invite you to enter the sacred grove of the mighty oak. This 'King of the Forest' has a vast spread of roots out of which its immense trunk rises, before spreading into a broad and sheltering canopy. In this way the oak symbolises our connection above and below, with earth and sky and with the physical and the mystical. This is particularly meaningful at the solstice, as a fulcrum point as the world shifts from the time of greatest darkness towards the coming light.
When we enter the sacred grove of the oak at midwinter we find the acorns long gone, the leaves on the ground, returned to replenish the earth, and the magnificence of the oak's architecture revealed in its starkest glory. It is here, amongst its naked branches, that we find the vibrant green mistletoe nestled with its berries shining like pearls. The evergreen mistletoe, never touching the ground, represents all that is immortal and eternal with its shining berries reflecting the light of the stars.
Following a very similar format to last year, we very much hope that you will join us to take this journey guided by the meditation and the music.
About your hosts
As you’re here on my website it is likely that you know that I am an energy healer, psychologist and teacher of meditation and Reiki. I provide a range of individual and group sessions to support you with your emotional, mental, physical, energetic and spiritual wellbeing. You can listen to some of my meditation tracks, including several with music provided by Andy, here: https://naturalhealingenergy.bandcamp.com/
Andy Roid has a long career of playing in many different bands. These days his interest has gravitated towards experimenting with more ambient music designed to take the listener on a journey of sound experience. His live music, even when rehearsed, always leaves room for a spontaneous connection with his audience to see where they can travel together. Although he provides the music, it becomes a co-creation born from that moment in time and place and with whoever is present to get on board. You can listen to more of Andy’s music here: https://andyroid.bandcamp.com/
Booking and Practical Details...
It is important to us to ensure that everyone has enough space to be comfortable so numbers will be very limited. You can purchase your tickets online here via the 'meditation' tab.
Where: Donhead St Mary Village Hall, Church Hill, Donhead St Mary, Wiltshire SP7 9DQ.
When: Friday 20th December.
Time: 7.00 to 9.00 pm.
Doors open at 7pm. Please arrive in plenty of time to make yourself comfortable. Once the meditation starts at 7.20pm the doors will be shut and no one else will be allowed in. The meditation will finish around 8.30pm after which you are welcome to stay for refreshments.
What to bring: Please bring a a bottle of water and whatever you need to be comfortable sitting or lying down (e.g. a mat, blanket or cushion). Chairs will be available if you prefer and we do have a few mats.
Cost: £25
Parking: It is very dark by the hall and although a quiet area there are no pavements or street lights so bring a torch and take care if you are walking on the road. There is some parking in a layby opposite the hall, please ensure you park closely to maximise space and car share if you can. If this is full you can park a little further down the hill by the church. Please avoid blocking any entrances and be aware that it is a narrow road. We don’t want to be disturbed to move any cars.
© Dr Karen Janes, 2024